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29 april 2024
Anderson, William – Japanese Wood Engravings
Anderson, William
Japanese Wood Engravings
London: Seeley and Co., 1895
4to (28 × 18,5 cm); 80 p. Geïllustreerd met 43 pagina grote en in-tekst platen. Gebonden in kwart leer met gemarmerde platten.
Conditie: Redelijk tot goed met enkele ruw opengesneden pagina’s.
“A description of the technical processes and history behind the creation of a traditional woodcut print. Contents include: “Pictorial Engraving in China”, “Second Period”, “Third Period”, “Chromoxylography in the Fourth Period”, “Engraving in Black and White in the Fourth Period”, “Engraving in Black and White in the Second Part of the Fourth Period”, “Illustrated Topographical Books”, “Illustrated Works of Fiction” etc.”
Prijs 17,50 euro.
VERKOCHT aan Walter