Delia Petrescu
Str. Mihai Viteazu, Nr. 93
557260 Selimbar
Str. Mihai Viteazu, Nr. 93
557260 Selimbar
Persen en andere apparatuur
Adana 8 × 5 degelpersFTC proofpers
Golding Pearl No. 03
Hogenforst degelpers
Hohner cilinderpers
Wood Type Customs
The Wood Type Customs / Petrescu Press company started as a necessity for the lack of new wood type on the market, for personal use at the beginning.
Meanwhile, WTC has started working with small and large designers and companies around the world, counting hundreds of custom wood type orders.
WTC company specializes in custom 3D computer design (CAD & CAM) CNC wood carving, for any style typefaces, ornaments, patterns, borders, logos, architectural elements etc, for new original designs or replicas of historical types.
Today, the WTC founded the non-profit cultural association “Gutenberg in the digital age” located in Sibiu, România, which aims to save the craft of letterpress.