
372 56675672

28 juli 2017

Korrex Hannover (1953): old gripper system

We are writing to ask for any advice, knowledge, or experiences that people might have had with older versions of the Korrex Hannover.

We just bought a new old press (1953) which had the old system of paper grippers and these grippers are now completely missing. We plan to restore the press to get it back in good working condition, and could use all the information on this old gripper system that we can get. (Any other thoughts or comments on the press in general are also welcome!).

If anyone else has a Korrex with this gripper system, we would really appreciate photos, manuals, details of dimensions, etc, so we can begin to build a replacement system. Better yet, if anyone can send through videos of the system in action, we could really get an idea of how it works.

Attached are 2 photos of our new gripper-less press, as well as 1 photo of the new gripper system (with green paper feed table) and 1 of the old gripper system (with light wood paper feed table).

Nestor & Hannah,

Labora, Tallinn, Estonia

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