Specifications for a ball graining machine
I’m a graphic artist from Belgrade, Serbia. I want to make a ball graining machine, to polish aluminium plates.
See this movie and the link for more info.
I am looking for specifications for such a machine: workshop drawings, technical information related to the engine, flywheel, and the like.
Is there anybody that can help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
It is not for polishing plates, but to give plates a grain, in such a way that they act as lithographic stones. By the way (we Polymetaal) we sell ball-grained plates. Actually they are simple machines. Just a big metal tray with glass balls in it and carborundum powder. The tray is swinging round , driven by al electric motor. In such a way the the ball move over the carborundum and the plates. This way they get a grain.