
Marie Helpin

20 november 2014

Help to repair an etching press


I would like to fixe this etching press. It’s working well, but the metal plate to print the etching is missing.

Does anybody knows how I can get a metal plate for this etching press ?

Or with what material I should make a new one ?


The size of the press machine is 1,50 m / 57,3 cm. The metal plate should be around 51 cm to fit in between.

Thanks in advance.

2 gedachten over “Help to repair an etching press”

  1. I don’t see in your pictures the support which holds and guides your press plate…You could try to use a PVC plate of 15 mm thickness as a new press plate (the kind of hard gray coloured plastic). It will cost much less than a metal one and at the same time is easier to get at. I suggest to clean your rollers first. Then verify they show no dents or scars, then verify the perfect alignment of the two rollers, and at the same time check the ball bearings. Good luck!

  2. Use some plastic (plexi, nylon, ….) plate of sufficient thickness. To find and cut to size in a good DIY shop.


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