Stitching machine
I have a question about a wire stitching machine. I have recently owned a historic “Universal” wire stitching machine from Gebr. Brehmer and it doesn’t staple. I took apart the stapling head, which is at the bottom of this machine, and it seems to me that the punch (i don’t know if it is a correct name, in german we say Durchtreiber) is bent. I never work with this machine, so I wanted to ask whether someone has worked with such a machine and knows what the punch should look like, has documentation for it or, even better, happens to have an “unnecessary” punch. I am thankful for every hint.
Can you show a clear picture of the machine and where the part must be?
Recently I completely disassembled a Brehmer thread stitching machine, cleaned it, oiled it and everything works fine again.
More pics please