

3 juli 2022

Papier Letterpress

Ik heb sinds kort een mooie trapdegel in mijn bezit en ben aan het oriënteren voor materiaal. Inkt ben ik inmiddels aan uit.

Nu nog zoekende naar mooi letterpress papier wat ik idealiter ook in Nederland kan vinden/bestellen. Nu kwam ik twee soorten al tegen: Crane lettra papier en Gmund papier. Heeft iemand de tip om hier aan te geraken in Nederland? Of heeft iemand nog andere tips over mooi letterpress papier?

Alvast bedankt!

1 gedachte over “Papier Letterpress”

  1. Personally I do not like Crane Lettra paper, it seems to me to be poorly fabricated, and doesn’t take ink well. I am not familiar with Gmund paper, since I am in the US, and no of no importers. You should be looking for mould-made papers from such manufacturers as Arches, Rives, Fabriano, Zerkall, Hahnemühle, Somerset, and Stonehenge, (I’m sure there are others, these are names that are well known over here). All makers I listed are European papers, from France, Italy, Germany, and those upstarts in the UK. Art stores often carry their papers, and if they aren’t stocked, they often can be specially ordered. Look for sources of sample books for these papers so you can get an idea of thickness, color, and which papers are better for text printing, or card and cover stock. You should be able to find excellent paper resources online with the right search terms. There are handmade papers still being made, and they are the very best papers for letterpress, but the cost is very high. Commercially made papers can also be had, but you would be better off looking for those papers with a high cotton content, and avoid those made only from wood pulp, unless you prefer the cheapest papers.


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