'Allo 'Allo. Arsis Type Specimen Booklet
Triona Pers, 2021
Formaat: 10,5 × 16,5 cm (oblong)
Aantal pagina’s: 16
Oplage: 75 exemplaren
€ 4,50
Triona Pers, 2021
Formaat: 10,5 × 16,5 cm (oblong)
Aantal pagina’s: 16
Oplage: 75 exemplaren
€ 4,50
Koppermaandag: ‘Allo ‘Allo
Ten quotes from the British sitcom ‘Allo ‘Allo that ran on television between 1984 and 1992. The series is situated in France during the Second World War under the German occupation.
The booklet shows the 6 sizes of the Arsis typeface that are held at Triona Pers.
It was printed on the occasion of Koppermaandag 2021.